
The artist and owners of the pets whose portraits are displayed on this site request that you do not copy and/ or use the featured drawings in any way. Some of the pets are no longer with us and the artist has spent a lot of time capturing the essence of the animals and hence repsect for both the uniqueness of the artwork and animal would be much appreciated by all concerned.

All works published on are protected by copyright laws and have the permission of the artist to be published on this site.

Original works and other subject matter are automatically given copyright protection in Australian law by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).

Copyright applies regardless of whether the copyright symbol © is present. Works that are protected by copyright include web pages and artworks.

The Act gives protection to artistic works and gives copyright owners (i.e. author of the work) several exclusive rights. Without permission from the copyright owner, no other person may:

  • Reproduce the work in a material form, for example by photocopying or scanning
  • Publish the work
  • Communicate the work to the public, for example by putting it online

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